I don't know about anyone else, but I am like a bear in the sense that I hibernate through the winter. It's cold, dark, and best toughed out under covers with a good book and a cup of tea. But finally, spring has sprung and I am blooming with lots of exciting new things. . . Like this website! Feels good to have a fresh coat of paint on my online presence! It's still not 100% finished, my overbearing compulsion for perfection has made this a time consuming project. Bear with me while I continue to add things and feel free to tell me what you think! Also, I am blogging again (obviously!) I have missed sharing my experiences on social media. This year is bursting with awesome adventures in store for me and I look forward to telling you all about them.
I'm kicking off the new blog with a story about my weekend. I traveled back to my hometown (sorta, Middlesboro and Tazewell are essentially the same place in my book) to spend some time with the Pannocchia family and their friends as they celebrated with Martha, who is getting married in June. Congratulations, miss Martha! They put together a lovely tea party themed bridal shower, complete with fun sun hats and all kinds of adorable treats.
I had never tried a macaroon before, and oh my, are they heavenly. The purple ones were lavender flavored, my favorite!
Martha and her mother, Juanita. Beautiful ladies!
The Pannocchia sisters.
For as long as I have known her, people have called Martha "Barbie" and no wonder! Look how elegant and classically beautiful she is! It's always a pleasure to have this girl in front of my lens.
The whole family! They are so much fun!
It was great to see them again and see how how everyone has grown. The Pannocchias are such a strong, beautiful family; they have always been very supportive of my work and I loved being able to catch up with them and document this happy moment in their lives. Best wishes to Martha as she takes this big step in her life and thank you for letting me be a part of it.
If you'd like to have your event captured through my lens, please contact me!
Until next time, xoxo